
Hey boo, first off how are you? Lol I feel like this is a special year for everyone where we’re seeing a lot about ourselves which may be new for some people (especially those who run from self or struggle facing their own shadow).

Fortunately this powerful 11 energy that April is blessing us with will assist everyone with this process.

7 + 4 = 11

Main themes for the month are: Accountability, Forgiveness, Balance, Karmic Justice, Exposure, Alignment, Choices, I can honestly go on and on so let’s just get into the details.

11 is the 1st master number and it focuses on mastering SELF (1). The first step is self awareness which is why shadow work is SO important. A lot of people don’t truly know themselves, or why they think /behave the way they do. This issue prevents healthy partnerships from forming because how can you connect deeply with others if you haven’t done that with yourself?

With forgiveness, I’m mainly referring to self-forgiveness because this will force us to hold ourselves accountable for the parts we played in our own losses and disappointing experiences. Why did we allow things to continue when we knew the truth? Why did we accept what we knew wasn't enough? Why did we do what we did? Why did we ignore our intuition? Why did we ignore the red flags? Why did we continue to invest when we knew it wouldn’t be worth it? Why did we stay when we knew we should have left? Why did we make excuses to justify a shitty situation? It’s easier to point out what other people did wrong, but the real work starts when we look at ourself because it always takes 2!

As the #4 correlates to our past (the foundation of who we are), childhood/teen healing will also be a major theme as we focus on forgiveness. Also look at the influences that were in the environments we grew up in. How did those people or situations shape who you are today and how you view yourself and your connections? How did we change ourselves back then to adapt to those environments? The qualities we picked up when we went through past struggles now need to be released like shame, fear of vulnerability, fear of being in a relationship, fear of being single, limiting beliefs/negative outlooks, even being an “introvert” if you’re really an extrovert deep down.

For example, if you used to be naturally outgoing, social, and self-expressive but over the years you became the complete opposite, that’s something to unpack. Or if you use to be more loving, vulnerable and romantic, but now you’re emotionally unavailable and maybe even cynical when it comes to relationships/friendships/family, unpack that. Get back to the root of who we really are so we can show up more authentically; align with your higher self by letting go of the old way of thinking and being.

Other things we can expect this month are blessings, more attention, revelations, heightened intuition and sensitivity, vivid dreams, spiritual awakenings, increase in deaths, legal dealings or contracts, more activity amongst religious or spiritual communities, formation of partnerships/teams, separations, and being tested.

For more random insights regarding this month check out my twitter page! @MeshaDaMystic

Let me know how you liked this forecast by commenting below :)

Love y’all!


May’s Calling 333


1 Life Path