March…. to the beat of your own drum

Hey there :) Welcome to my first monthly numerology post on my website! I’m so excited to have you here!

If you find that you enjoy this content, please spread the word. Now let’s talk numbers.


We’re dealing with a universal 1 energy this month. NEW NEW! Are you ready to start acting brand new?!

New look, new vibe, new people, new IDEAS, new opportunities, new leadership, new plans, new projects. It’s time to confidently put yourself out there, broadcast your new ventures, showcase your skills/talent and be open to endless possibilities. The world is really your oyster with this energy.

Some will say “Happy New Year” since the number 1 does represent the beginning of a new cycle. Whatever you do this month, make sure you get up off your ass and DO something. This is the best time to INITIATE the changes you want to see in your life. Take action and incorporate the wave of intuitive downloads you’ll get this month on what to do, where to go, who to talk to, etc. Use this energy to assert yourself and make those BIG BOY/GIRL/THEY decisions that affect you in the long run.

Trust me, you’ll be feeling more confident and ready for these changes, unless you’re just stuck between multiple options. In this case, go with your gut and do what’s actually best for you! Don’t let your ego drive your decisions. Don’t let other people sway your decisions either. Maintaining a strong sense of self is an important lesson that 1 energy teaches you; this requires you to be in tune with and trust your own inner voice. Healthy independence is key here. Push yourself to stand 10 toes down on what you want, what you know, and how you feel. This isn’t the time to stay quiet or passive. If you have the #1 as a challenge or karmic lesson, this may be a struggle for you but we’ll dicsuss that later on.

Lastly, believing in yourself will be required in order to avoid missing these new opportunities. If you allow your inner critic and fears to win, you’ll miss out… for now. Having faith in the divine is 1 thing, but having faith in yourself is another. Know that you deserve all the blessings headed your way, so act like it.


1 Life Path