Mesha Mesha

May’s Calling 333

Whew I’m not gone lie I’m a bit irritated today so I figured, let me go ahead and put this energy into this month’s forecast that I happen to be late on already. Iykyk I just moved outta state so the past couple weeks for me has been a bit hectic but I’m here.

About May… This is a universal 3 month, check the breakdown below.

5 + 7 = 12 = 3

3 is Jupiter ruled which brings us growth and hella expansion with the 5 energy of May. Blessings on blessings.

Typically 3 represents our more causal connections, and has an easy going vibe. Since it’s a “12” type of 3, it still does carry it’s original meaning but this energy is also making us reflect more on the quality of these connections. Are your needs being met? Do they give you a safe space to express your emotions? Are you showing up authentically? Communication. Romance. Vulnerability. All the mushy gushy stuff. “Flings” may lead to something more or they may fizzle out altogether. It’s key to be honest with yourself on how you really feel and stand on it. Communicate it. Love languages may be changing or maybe it’s time to put more effort into learning your partner’s love language. Be open to new perspectives in love.

3 Energy also makes us pay more attention to our personal appearance and even the appearance of others. Put more effort into your looks this month, you never know who you may meet while you’re out rather it be platonically, romantic, or even business. Present yourself to others well, it will make a difference. On the contrary, don’t pick yourself apart. Body image issues or insecurities overall when it comes to looks is coming up so people can change the way they see themselves. Don’t wait until you have your dream look to love yourself. NOBODY is perfect. In this world where drastic alterations are the norm, you have to remind yourself that trends come and go. We all have a physical attribute(s) that someone else is praying for so remember that. You were made to be special not look like everyone else. Don’t sacrifice your unique qualities to blend in. Finding new ways to love yourself is such a beautiful process. This is the perfect time to switch up your look in some way. Get clothes that cater to your figure and make you feel beautiful. Get that hairstyle you’ve been thinking of. Get those tattoos, jewelry, etc.

Speaking of self-expression, 3 energy helps us get into our creative bag. S A C R A L energy baby. Now you know creative and sexual energy are the same thing soooo if you don’t want o get pregnant? Don’t play widdit, don’t play widdit, don’t playyyyy! Use your free time to create for joy, try new things to get the inspo flowing. Have safe sex. Cry and let it out. FEEL your emotions to unblock yourself if you’ve been having creative blocks. Get angry if you’ve been letting shit slide. Whatever the emotion is, feel it and let it out. Spend more time outside and get back to your child-like self.

Lastly, if things been slow/stagnant or you’ve been mentally stuck on a certain situation, this is most likely happening for a reason. It’s sooo important that we remain open to new perspectives, new ways of doing things, compromising, and seeing things from others’ perspectives in order to move forward. Integrating things together is where the magic is so if you have multiple skillsets/talents, try combining things together and see what you get :)

Watch your back in this energy especially when it comes to gossip and rumors. Know who your real friends are.



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Mesha Mesha


April 11:11 Shedding and Healing

Hey boo, first off how are you? Lol I feel like this is a special year for everyone where we’re seeing a lot about ourselves which may be new for some people (especially those who run from self or struggle facing their own shadow).

Fortunately this powerful 11 energy that April is blessing us with will assist everyone with this process.

7 + 4 = 11

Main themes for the month are: Accountability, Forgiveness, Balance, Karmic Justice, Exposure, Alignment, Choices, I can honestly go on and on so let’s just get into the details.

11 is the 1st master number and it focuses on mastering SELF (1). The first step is self awareness which is why shadow work is SO important. A lot of people don’t truly know themselves, or why they think /behave the way they do. This issue prevents healthy partnerships from forming because how can you connect deeply with others if you haven’t done that with yourself?

With forgiveness, I’m mainly referring to self-forgiveness because this will force us to hold ourselves accountable for the parts we played in our own losses and disappointing experiences. Why did we allow things to continue when we knew the truth? Why did we accept what we knew wasn't enough? Why did we do what we did? Why did we ignore our intuition? Why did we ignore the red flags? Why did we continue to invest when we knew it wouldn’t be worth it? Why did we stay when we knew we should have left? Why did we make excuses to justify a shitty situation? It’s easier to point out what other people did wrong, but the real work starts when we look at ourself because it always takes 2!

As the #4 correlates to our past (the foundation of who we are), childhood/teen healing will also be a major theme as we focus on forgiveness. Also look at the influences that were in the environments we grew up in. How did those people or situations shape who you are today and how you view yourself and your connections? How did we change ourselves back then to adapt to those environments? The qualities we picked up when we went through past struggles now need to be released like shame, fear of vulnerability, fear of being in a relationship, fear of being single, limiting beliefs/negative outlooks, even being an “introvert” if you’re really an extrovert deep down.

For example, if you used to be naturally outgoing, social, and self-expressive but over the years you became the complete opposite, that’s something to unpack. Or if you use to be more loving, vulnerable and romantic, but now you’re emotionally unavailable and maybe even cynical when it comes to relationships/friendships/family, unpack that. Get back to the root of who we really are so we can show up more authentically; align with your higher self by letting go of the old way of thinking and being.

Other things we can expect this month are blessings, more attention, revelations, heightened intuition and sensitivity, vivid dreams, spiritual awakenings, increase in deaths, legal dealings or contracts, more activity amongst religious or spiritual communities, formation of partnerships/teams, separations, and being tested.

For more random insights regarding this month check out my twitter page! @MeshaDaMystic

Let me know how you liked this forecast by commenting below :)

Love y’all!

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Mesha Mesha

1 Life Path

Wassup to all my trendsetting, breath of fresh air, pioneers!

First let’s make sure you are a true 1 life path. Using your DOB, add the below and do not reduce #s until the end.

MM+DD+YYYY= Life Path

EX: 11+15+2018 = 37 = 10 = 1

What is 1 energy?

Individuality, leadership, innovation, creation, will power, self assurance, influence, independence, confidence. I can go on and on but what does this mean for 1 life paths? I’ll discuss briefly.

1 Life Paths should learn and master 1 energy, as it represents what you came to do in this lifetime. Life paths represent our life lesson, so this energy may come natural to you but you still have to learn and master how to use to your benefit. Other numbers in your numerology chart may cause resistance, so it’s important to be mindful of how your chart works together.

Overall for 1 life paths, if you can’t be one of the first to do it, you should definitely strive to be the best!

Here’s a few things to embrace:

  • your appeal to individual people rather than large groups/crowds

  • your own original ideas and inner voice

  • what makes you different/unique from those around you

  • your influence over others

  • taking risks

  • doing things alone

  • your inner drive to do and be your best

Here’s a few things to be mindful of:

  • dependencies/addictions and codependent situations

  • the need for external validation/acceptance

  • lack of direction

  • self-centeredness/egotism

  • self-limiting beliefs or lack of confidence

  • losing your individuality in partnerships

  • others’ influence over your life/decisions

Some famous 1 Life Paths are: Lady Gaga, Prince Henry, Nikola Tesla, Martin Luther King Jr, Tiger Woods

Remember not every “1” is the same. What is the total number behind your “1” life path?

Comment your full life path number below!

To learn more about your 1 life path, other numbers in your chart, and get into the numbers BEHIND your “1”, you can book a numerology reading.

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Mesha Mesha

March…. to the beat of your own drum

March - Universal 1 Month

Hey there :) Welcome to my first monthly numerology post on my website! I’m so excited to have you here!

If you find that you enjoy this content, please spread the word. Now let’s talk numbers.


We’re dealing with a universal 1 energy this month. NEW NEW! Are you ready to start acting brand new?!

New look, new vibe, new people, new IDEAS, new opportunities, new leadership, new plans, new projects. It’s time to confidently put yourself out there, broadcast your new ventures, showcase your skills/talent and be open to endless possibilities. The world is really your oyster with this energy.

Some will say “Happy New Year” since the number 1 does represent the beginning of a new cycle. Whatever you do this month, make sure you get up off your ass and DO something. This is the best time to INITIATE the changes you want to see in your life. Take action and incorporate the wave of intuitive downloads you’ll get this month on what to do, where to go, who to talk to, etc. Use this energy to assert yourself and make those BIG BOY/GIRL/THEY decisions that affect you in the long run.

Trust me, you’ll be feeling more confident and ready for these changes, unless you’re just stuck between multiple options. In this case, go with your gut and do what’s actually best for you! Don’t let your ego drive your decisions. Don’t let other people sway your decisions either. Maintaining a strong sense of self is an important lesson that 1 energy teaches you; this requires you to be in tune with and trust your own inner voice. Healthy independence is key here. Push yourself to stand 10 toes down on what you want, what you know, and how you feel. This isn’t the time to stay quiet or passive. If you have the #1 as a challenge or karmic lesson, this may be a struggle for you but we’ll dicsuss that later on.

Lastly, believing in yourself will be required in order to avoid missing these new opportunities. If you allow your inner critic and fears to win, you’ll miss out… for now. Having faith in the divine is 1 thing, but having faith in yourself is another. Know that you deserve all the blessings headed your way, so act like it.

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